Monday Oct 25, 2021
The Promise Before the Law - Part 2 (Gal. 3:15-18)
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Since salvation is a matter of God's free grace, we do not earn it by working to obtain it. It is a gift, not something owed to us. We receive our inheritance from God the same way Abraham received it: by faith. We simply believe that God will make good on his promise to save us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And then, we act on our faith, living like the true heirs of God that we have become through his covenant in Christ.
This is the grace of God, that he does not deal with us on the basis of our performance, but on the basis of His promise. No matter what we have done, our sins are covered by the covenant righteousness of Christ. And now that we are in Christ, our standing before God does not fluctuate with the inconsistency of our daily obedience (or disobedience). On the basis of the promise that he made before the law, God loves us with an unconditional love.
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Time in the Word.
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Time in the Word with Bible teacher Dr. Miguel Gonzalez is a ministry of Reasons for Faith International Ministries, a ministry committed to the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the clear exposition of God’s Word.
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